“Spontaneity is a meticulously prepared art.”
Oscar Wilde said that and I agree. As a guy who has lit out on a days-long motorcycle trip because I couldn’t sleep, jumped on a moving train to see where it was going, moved to a new city without ever having seen it, and done all sorts of crazy things for love, I know a thing or two about spontaneity.
As a reader of this blog, you know the destination of my motorcycle trips are always unplanned and while that sometimes lands me in some very unpleasant circumstances, most of the time, it leads me on adventures far more wonderful and interesting than anything I could have designed.
So, for the past week, I have been laying the ground work for my impulsive nature. After spending the winter in hibernation, my motorcycle is now shined up, tuned up, inspected, insured, and ready to roll. I turned in all of my reward points from credit cards and hotels for gift cards that will go a long way in feeding and sheltering me on the road. I’ve filled the tank, pulled the leather out of storage, and packed the saddle bags for when spring is serious about staying around, and I am unable to resist heading out for wherever the road leads.

Speaking of adventure, there’s been plenty since I last wrote here five months ago. After publishing my 3rd novel, A Noble Story, I said goodbye to DC. I had five productive years there, worked for some ground-breaking companies, and met some good people I will never forget. I put everything I owned in storage, hopped on my motorcycle, said my goodbyes, and took off. I wound my way through five states of country roads and blogged about some of that journey in my last two entries here. By the time the snow was flying and it was way too cold to keep riding, I’d made my way back to the small town in western Pennsylvania where I was born and raised.
After enjoying the holidays with my family, I decided to stay for a while, rented a little apartment that I have turned into a decent writer’s cave, and got a gig writing a column—Tales of a Wayward Son—for a local newspaper.
From time to time, I will include a column here on Drayer’s Notebook. To kick things off, I will start with one—written tongue firmly in cheek—about the challenges of dating in 2015.
That’s it for now. If you want to say hello, you can reach me via my website: Daviddrayer.com.
The following was first published in The Leader-Vindicator out of New Bethlehem, PA on March 19, 2015.